Yesterday I was sick. It was a blah day that I filled with about 20 hours of peaceful sleep. But when I did wake up, I did something very weird and out of my character. We ordered pizza for dinner on a really good coupon deal we had, so we ended up with 3 pizzas, one of which was a taco pizza.
Now let me just note here that I don't normally eat taco pizza. Those of you who know me real well know that I am a cheese pizza kind of girl. I like things plain, without much spice or taste (as my husband would say). So now I am pondering the question of, "Why in the world did I eat a piece of taco pizza while I was sick???" I don't even usually like taco pizza!!! It was not the right thing for my empty stomach...nor was it something that I enjoyed the aftertaste of for the rest of the evening. I don't think I'll eat taco pizza again for a loooooonnnngggg time!
Thankfully today is a much better day. My mind is no longer in a dense fog and I am actually awake and out of bed. And for lunch today, I did steer clear of the leftover taco pizza! :)
11 years ago
Hope you're feeling better! I figured out the blog comment thing - I had to set up a Google account and sign up as a follower of your blog, so I'm set now!