My mom recently told me that I should write a book on all the crazy stuff that happens in our household. I guess with the fast-paced life as a working mother of 3 and a pastor's doesn't seem like it's really that out-of-the ordinary. Our household is just always in an uproar. There's hardly a time when you can call that you don't hear our kids and dogs in the background.
Chaos. It's what we live and breathe every single day.
So I bet you're dying to hear what happened today! Of course it was another one of those "never a dull moment" days. About noon today, I received a call from the school saying that we needed to pick up my daughter from the school immediately. At recess, she got kicked in the nose and proceeded to have a massive nosebleed that the school nurse could not get to stop. They said her clothes were full of blood and they even thought her nose might be fractured.
My husband was much closer to the school than me, so he ran up there to get her...only to find out that the school recommended that she go straight to the ER. I was able to leave work and join them at the ER a few minutes later. Poor girl....her hair was wet from the blood and she had blood all over her jeans, shirt, and face. She kept the ice pack and towel close by....and her nose was STILL bleeding!!!
When asking her about the incident, it was funny to find out that the student who kicked her in the nose was her BEST friend!!! I told my daughter that her friend was probably sitting in class worried about her!
She had her x-ray and it was determined that her nose was not broken. The doctor said possibly fractured a tiny bit, but he really didn't think it was. (interesting diagnosis, huh? That's a small town hospital for ya!) I was just thrilled that I made it through the whole visit without passing out!!! I am known to pass out at the sight of blood, hospital rooms, and x-rays....yes, I know it's weird, but it's entirely true. Normally I get very hot and then suddenly the room starts spinning.
So after her x-ray, we were on our merry way....first item of business was to get some food in her! She had missed lunch since this happened at recess right before lunch! She chomped down a happy meal before I could blink my eyes. :)
Right now, she's doing much better! She's giggling while watching Disney channel as I write this. However, her eyes are starting to look a little purplish around them...and she has some interesting purple streaks around her mouth. She may get a little colorful bruising from this incident!!!
Thankfully it was just a minor accident!!!!!!!
11 years ago
Tell Kyrie Grandma sends hugs & kisses, and sure hopes she feels okay today!!