After a day being sick on Friday, I was looking forward to an uneventful, quiet Saturday to rest. So NOT what happened!!!
Our morning was spent at games...Kirk went to football and I went to soccer. Both games were losses, so that was disappointing for our kiddos. After lunch, Kirk went to mow the lawn, with 2 of my 3 kids helping out. I went to work on worship, but soon found myself dozing into dreamland....a result of my recovering from being sick.
I awoke to my daughter's friend saying, "Where's Scooby?" Now, in our household, that question is of utmost importance. Scooby is our psychotic, maniac dog, who makes you feel like you are watching a two year old. He must be monitored every moment, because if not, he will find things to eat, such as blankets, couches, stuffed animals, shoes, bowls, pencils, batteries, and whatever else he feels like. So as you can imagine, this question jolted me out of my peaceful dreamland. Next I hear a follow-up question that is just as shocking..."Why is the front door opened?"
Our next half hour was spent tracking our dog through the neighborhood. I do have to admit, I was a tiny bit excited at the prospects of this maniac being out of our house. We just can't seem to find anyone who wants a dog like Scooby...I wonder why??? :) My kids finally cornered him inside the neighbor's garage. They were not home, but Scooby had slid through the opening they left open and had cornered their dog inside. (and she was one very, very scared dog) My kids squeezed through the opening and easily caught the escapee and brought him home. Once home safe and sound, Scooby collapsed on the floor and slept for a very long time!
An hour or so later, my hubby decided to fix the toilet in the extra bathroom. It was suppose to be an easy fix...just needed a few parts replaced. Well, after his great efforts, he realized we needed some parts that we didn't have. So...we ran to the store, being careful to take our bathroom breaks since our water was shut off at home. Coming home, he started replacing the parts, but soon realized the shutoff valve was actually not working as water poured out all over the floor.
Needless to say, after hours of work and dozens of soaking wet towels, we finally got a new shut off valve on and all seemed good. Well, at least until one flushed the toilet. Then there was a leak. Hmmm....just a tiny leak. But oh what problems that caused. After one more big flood, the shut off valve (the new one) decided now it won't turn ON! Sooo....we're gonna let the experts handle this one.
And to add to my day, I found out that my dryer now does not shut off automatically. It actually goes down to 20 minutes left on the timer and then just stays there...indefinitely. Yeah. I pulled a burning hot load of laundry out after I realized the dryer had been going for almost 2 hours...but I had only set it for 50 minutes!!!
What a day this turned out to be! God sure does know how to teach us patience, doesn't He???
11 years ago
I think you need to write a book about your family adventures, and then they could turn it into a movie! Never a dull moment... :)