It just isn't a day unless something crazy comes out of my kids' mouths. My kids are the highlight of my day, and they keep me laughing! Here's a few examples of things that have been said in our household lately...
"Whoops...I just threw up on Sammy's head!" (Sammy is our dog)
"Why did we skip the year 1920?"
"You know, the moon has been around since the 1800's"
"Six minus is that even possible?"
"Sustenence...what language is that?"
"I would like to play on the fence this year in soccer." (defense)
"You grow pasta in your garden?"
"That's where the caterpillars go into their canoe."
"What the Noman Rumeral for seven?
Sometimes my life grows so serious as I focus on work, bills, and the problems in my life. But all I have to do is listen to my kids to remember that life is more than just work and being serious. I can't wait to hear what they'll say tomorrow!!!
11 years ago
Sounds familiar!!! God gives us these moments so we don't take ourselves so serious. I miss you guys so much. I knew you and Kirk would be great parents.