Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Daily Run
It was the moment that we made it on the flight and I collapsed to my seat...struggling to catch my breath....THAT was the moment I decided to do something about my health.
Yes, I'd already lost 40 pounds during our church's Biggest Loser contest. I was so proud of that fact already and could tell so many differences with my body already. But losing weight by controlling my eating evidently did nothing for my body's physical abilities. That day at the airport was a stark realization that I had a hard time even running!
Part of me attributed it to the fact that I was wearing flip flops. I mean, have you ever tried running in those? It just is next to impossible without tripping.
But that wasn't the real reason. The bottom line was that I was out of shape.
I spent the next several months contemplating how I was going to get into shape. I tried some workout videos with my daughter. I tried walking. But nothing was consistent. Nothing seemed to work. Every time I planned to exercise, I found an excuse that would stop me.
Until the very end of September. I finally decided that it was never going to happen on its own. I couldn't wait for someone to exercise with me. I couldn't wait until the weather was nice. I couldn't wait until I felt like it. I just had to do it. No matter what.
And that's when I started running. Yes, running. I jumped into this exercise routine and started out with a mile run. (I don't like to ease into things) started off as a half mile jog...half mile walk. I just couldn't run a mile. It was too hard for me. And at that point I almost gave up. But something inside of me felt so good when I completed the first mile. Even though I walked part of it, I still felt like I accomplished something.
So I kept going. Each day. One mile. No matter what. Even if no one was there to run with me. Even if the weather was cold. Even if the wind about blew me off the road. Even if it was sprinkling rain. Even if I'd rather be on the couch relaxing. Even if I felt like I was going to die. Even if my legs became numb and I couldn't catch my breath.
Each and every day the "mile" has gotten easier. I can run the whole thing now without stopping. And I've even started timing myself...watching it get shorter and shorter each day as my endurance builds up.
I've come to love being a runner. I feel good for what I've accomplished.
But....God has used this experience to convict me. I mean, I make sure I run every matter what. But am I that committed to my devotional and prayer time with God? Do I look forward to that time as much as I do to running? Do I put that as a priority to my day?
There's so much "stuff" that fills our lives...from caring for kids to work to school to cleaning to's neverending!!! Do we have room for God? Where does He rate in our priorities for the day?
As you run through life, don't pass God by and leave Him to the side. Don't let your relationship with Him become something you never have time for. Put Him first and everything else will fall into place.
"...I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward--to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back. So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us." Philippians 3:14-15 (Message)
"Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (Message)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
A Colorful Masterpiece
And what about the autumn leaves? Today was simply BEAUTIFUL watching the leaves blow in the wind. And it wasn't just green leaves....instead it was a swirl of bright orange and yellow leaves, cascading through the air. Even though I dread the thought of the cold snow, I still feel drawn to the beauty of the fall season.
All of this is such a marvelous look at the beauty of God. He takes a beautiful sky...and a strong, tall tree....and He makes them even MORE tantalizing to our eyes. He is the master artist.
But it's not just nature. He can make a beautiful masterpiece of our lives too. He can take the person we are and help us turn into the masterpiece that He wants us to be! His plans far surpass what we can even imagine!
There's a catch, though.....
We have to give Him our lives. He have to give Him control. We have to let Him draw a masterpiece with our lives. And that is only done by letting Him have control of everything.
EVERYTHING??? Are you sure?
Yes, everything. When we release the grasp we have our on lives...on our will...then, and only then will He do more than we can ever imagine. He's a gentlemen. He won't force us to obey Him. He's left that part up to us.
Are you willing to hand over the paintbrush and let God have control? You won't regret it!
Monday, August 16, 2010
I Flooded the Laundry Room!!!
As crazy as that sounds, I do this very thing quite often...and them am left to clean up the mess. Here's a link to read the full version of the article...
Hope you enjoy!!!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Fresh Fire
Summer break has literally flown by. I cannot believe it is already August and we are preparing our kids for going back to school! School supplies are bought...the pool is draining...and football and soccer practices are starting.
Our summer was packed full of things...from church events to vacation to youth trips to fun family times. But the best thing was these past few weeks at church....our FRESH FIRE conference. We prayed for Fresh Fire...and God delievered!!!!
In my own personal life, I was just in dire need of being revitalized in my relationship with God. I just was longing for MORE of God. I truly believe our church was in the same place too.
It's so easy to get stuck in a rut, getting use to doing the same thing over and over. We know how to worship God, but it's so easy to get caught going through the motions. It makes me think of a fan. As a kid, I use to lay in front of a fan in the summertime. I would just watch the blades spin over and over. They never stopped. The blades went nowhere.
I don't want to spin around and around in the same rut in my relationship with God. I don't want to be stuck going nowhere. I truly desire for MORE of God. I want to daily be challenged to live a more passionate life for God. It's not enough for me to do enough to just get by. I want to truly be used by God...and not just every once in awhile...I want to be used of God EVERY day!!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
476 Texts
The standing rule in our house has been no cell phone until you are a teenager. My son didn't get his until age 14, so my daughter was convinced she also would have to wait another year. This thought completely consumed her entire being as she could not imagine living another whole year without a cell phone. I mean really, just how in the world could we expect her to get through the day without a cell phone????
What she didn't realize was that we were indeed surprising her with a cell phone for her birthday. will all be pleased to know that she now can go on living. She has joined the masses of teenagers addicted to their bright shiny screen that enables them to converse both day and night with silly messages that barely say anything besides LOL or IDK.
Within two hours, my daughter managed to send 90 text messages to her friends, making it hard to pry the phone from her hands and send her to bed. Her eyes glowed as she thanked us over and over again. I was so glad to see her so happy....but then I like this change in her? Do I like to see her so addicted to something so fast?
That was Tuesday. Today is Thursday and her text count is up to 476 messages. (And think about this...she can only use the phone during a limited timeframe....!!!) I am so thankful for unlimited text messages. Can you imagine what that cell bill would've been otherwise??? That girl cannot even keep up with the amount of texts coming in...she cannot even respond quick enough!!!
Seeing her passion for her phone makes me think of our relationship with God. Are we that passionate about Him? Are we overcome with excitement to open our Bibles...just as we are to turn on our cell phone? Do we talk to Him as much...or more...than our friends?
I know I struggle with this. Life just gets so busy. Things get pushed back if I don't have time. Time with God should be our number one priority....
Is it?
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Blessed to Be a Mom
But who knew that years would pass without a pregnancy? My husband and I yearned to be parents. We kept thinking it would happen soon...but it never did. I had a hard time seeing people who got pregnant so easily. Why God? Why not me?
In the back of my mind, I knew God had something special planned for us...but I started to doubt Him. Why would He make us wait so long? He knew how much I yearned for motherhood!
So today is Mother's Day...and it is our 12 year anniversary. Twelve years of marriage...and no pregancy. Am I disappointed? Quite honestly...I use to be. But not anymore....because God is faithful! I never imagined the beautiful plan He had laid out for us!
Long before I even met my husband, God had our lives planned out. He had our children picked out for us. We are now the proud parents of three beautiful children. When I thought the answer was pregnancy, God's answer was adoption. It amazes me that my kids were living in a home with an atheist just four years they are pastor's kids and are involved in our church in many ways.
Looking back now it makes perfect sense. If I had been pregnant, we never would have adopted these children. We wouldn't have even considered it.
Even if your life doesn't make sense, God DOES have a plan for you...and His plan is perfect. His plan always works out.
And for all you mothers out there....don't take motherhood for granted. There's many women out there who would give anything to be a mother. Take it from me...I know. Appreciate those wonderful children God has given to you!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Do You Smell Good?
Instead I'm talking about you as a Christian. How do you smell to the world around you? What type of aroma do you emit to those around you? Are others repelled by the aroma you carry? Or are others drawn in by the aroma of Christ that you carry with you?
As Christians, we are to be a light to the world around us. We should be a pleasing aroma to others. The aroma we carry should invite people should draw people to God.
So take a whiff of yourself. What do you smell?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A Night in Front of the Television
As a child I remember being intrigued by TV shows such as Little House on the Prairie and Looney Tunes cartoons. It was a more innocent time, when you didn’t have to be concerned about foul language and sexual images plastered over your television screen.
Being a mom now, I find myself more concerned about the choices available to youngsters today. Yes, we do have parental controls on our television to limit access to these choices….but it’s getting to the point where almost every show has something that I don’t wish for my children to see. Have you noticed that even commercials are becoming filled with crude sexual humor and images? I cringe when the Victoria Secret commercials come on and my 14 year old son is sitting right there. What kind of a message does that send to our kids?
I scanned through the choices available to me right now to watch and am amazed at the variety. I could watch a show about a Bear Whisperer…or a reality show about 16 year old girl pregnant with twins by a fellow student she has only been dating for a few weeks…or a show about the latest Hollywood gossip…or a show about the Playboy mansion…or a show about someone going through plastic surgery…or a show about a man with no legs…or a show about home renovations…or a show about weight loss…or a singing competition…or a show where couples are told whether to break up or get married…or a movie about an affair that escalates into murder…or a cartoon riddled with sexual innuendos…or a show about how food is made…or a documentary about a murder mystery. I could go on and on….the possibilities are endless!
But where is God in this? What happened to all the wholesome family values and the Christian influence? What happened to the days when we didn’t have to worry about what our kids are viewing? What happened to the fear of God?
Now I’m not saying that all television is wrong. My family has several shows that we regularly watch together. Instead, what I’m trying to say is that now sin is so blatant. Sin is cool. Sin is acceptable. It is so easy to become desensitized to the true affect of sin. Sin will get a foothold on your life and will latch on to you before you even realize it. My husband has used this illustration many times while preaching….if he grabs someone’s foot while they are standing, he suddenly has control of them. Sin is just like that. The foothold will control us.
If you are a Christian, the Bible says you are in the world…but not OF the world. We are here to be an influence on the world around us…not to become influenced by it ourselves.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Eighth Year
Looking back on those eight years, they have been full of laughter and and pain...smiles and tears. These eight years have been tough...rebuilding this church from the ground up.
I'll admit that there were times we were at our wit's end. We didn't know what else to do. I can recall several long walks with my husband...walking through our beautiful woods...praying and trying to figure out what God wanted us to do. I'd be lying if I said we always wanted to be here...there were many times we almost gave up.
But God....(and that's all you have to say)....but His awesome power....He knew what was coming. He knew that eight years of working would reap a harvest.
These past couple months have seen GROWTH!!! I can't tell you how much that encourages a pastor's heart!
We've seen powerful moves of the Spirit. We've seen lives changed. We've seen transformation!
God matter how hopeless your situation is, remember that God knows. You are in His mighty hands. You are in His strong grip. His answer many not come in your timing. I can't tell you how much we wanted to see these results in the first couple years of our time here! However, God's timing was so very different. Trust HIS will and timing for your life!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tired of Being Good

It is always a thrilling process to reread the article that I had submitted months prior. Often times it ministers to me, reading the words that God put on my heart.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Just a Sliver
To my amazement, I saw the tiniest piece of wood or metal...something sticking out of my finger. I carefully took hold of it with my fingernails and pulled it out...all the time wondering how in the world this little piece of sharp material got in my finger in the first place. My office chair doesn't typically injure me when I sit down!!!
A few days went by and I realized that everytime I used my finger...for typing, playing the piano, etc...each time another pain surge went through my arm. But it just didn't make sense...looking at my finger, there was absolutely no indication of anything still being in there! There was no red mark. There was no black spot to show where the sliver was. There wasn't even a mark to show where it may be.
I brushed it off for a few days, trying to convince myself that it was just a result from being stabbed by some rogue piece of something sharp. But by Friday, I decided that I had enough. The pain had overcome me to the point where I was ready to open up my flesh and dig around until I removed the source of my pain and discomfort. And for anyone who knows me...and how I faint at the sight of blood...this was DEFINITELY a bold move on my part.
I took a clean safety pin and went into the light of our bathroom...and sure enough! I found a little mark and after about 20 minutes I successfully removed the sliver....WITHOUT fainting! My finger is no longer in pain. I can type...I can play the piano...everything is wonderful!
It was just a tiny sliver. It was microscopic. I could barely even see it with my own eyes. How could something so very small affect my body in such a large way?
The more I think about it, I equate this sliver to the sin that creeps in our lives. Just a hint is okay, right??? Just a little sin won't affect me, right??? .....or will it???
If you take a clear pitcher of water an add a drop of food coloring, it will affect the entire pitcher of water in time. Sin DOES affect us...even a little bit...even just a hint. We may think that we can handle it, but it does stick to us, just like this annoying sliver in my finger.
Just a hint...just a bit...just a all has an impact on us, even if we don't see it now!!!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Strep Throat
I woke up last Sunday morning feeling so horrible, but still determined to make it to church. I remember rolling over in bed and telling my husband..."I can make it through worship. I'll just lead the worship and then come home and sleep..." Yeah. What was I thinking? I couldn't even get out of bed! He took one look at me and knew there was no way I would even be able to make it up to church. He set up things so that my worship team took over for me. Instead I spent the day going to the doctor with my daughter to get the medicine we so desperatley needed.
Through this sickness, I couldn't help but yearn for the times when my body felt good. All I wanted was to feel better. It hit me then that I take "feeling good" for granted far too often! We go through our day-to-day life while feeling good most of the time. But how often do we take the time to thank God for our health? It's times like these when I realize just how awesome it is to be in good health. Last Sunday I would've gave anything to get the sickness to leave my body. As we were so very sick, all my daughter and I wanted was to feel better.
As of now, my strep throat is daughter and I are back to good health...laundry is caught up on...and the house is once again cleaned. But that just means we have even more reason to praise God!!!
If you are in good health, take the time to thank God for this blessing! All too often we only thank God for making us better...and forget about all the days when He has kept us in good health!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
In the Hands of God
But now as an adult, snow means that I have to drive in it. It means that I have to try to make it up our steep hill to get out for work. Snow means dangerous driving conditions. Snow is just not as fun anymore.
When the first sign of a snowflake comes, my kids are rejoicing that they may get school off....but I am praying that the storm goes a different direction and totally misses us.
It's not that I can't drive in snow. I grew up in Wisconsin and I lived in Fargo, ND for four years. I am well-experienced in snow travel. Snow doesn't stop things in those states. When it snows, life goes on. But here in Indiana, the snow makes driving conditions so much worse. It doesn't get plowed as fast...and we get more ice. Plus add to that the fact that our house sits at the bottom of a GIANT hill.
Yesterday I had to travel three hours to train a school for my job. I braved the snow-covered streets and slowly made my way, praying the entire way. I felt like my car was in a bubble that was protected by God. He had His angels all over my car and I drove through nearly impassable roads and icy spots. For half the trip, I couldn't even see the yellow or while lines on the pavement. It was just a guessing game!!!
But God was there. His protection was all over me. He led my car and He kept the other vehicles out of my path. I was in His hands...and that is the very best place to be!
Even tonight as I gazed out and saw that it had again started to snow giant flakes, my heart first skipped a beat, wondering how travel conditions will be. But then I remembered how awesome of a protector our God is! No matter what, He has me in His grip. He is there for me. I can rest in His arms and just marvel at the beauty of each falling snowflake. Freshly-fallen snow covering our whole backyard is such a beautiful sight!!! I can find peace...because I am in His arms.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Heartache for Haiti
I want to go to Haiti. I want to be there to help them. I feel so helpless sitting on my couch watching images of the destruction.
I can't help but feel guilty when I walk to my fridge and satisfy every hunger pang that I have. I can drink water when I am thirsty. I can relax in my comfortable house. I am warm from the clothes that I am blessed with.
Why do I have so much stuff and others have so little? How did I get blessed to be born in the United States instead of country where 90% of the people live in poverty?
Sometimes I take things for granted. But the things that are taking place in Haiti are a stark reminder to us all of how blessed we really are. It puts things in perspective. Even when things seem like they are going bad, we still are blessed.
Take some time to lift up the people in Haiti in your prayers. They need prayer warriors to rise up and pray for miracles to happen!!!