This past weekend, my daughter and I were attacked with an awful sickness called STREP THROAT!!! It was horrible. My fever wouldn't go under 101 throat hurt to swallow or talk...and I had no energy at all to even get up and walk.
I woke up last Sunday morning feeling so horrible, but still determined to make it to church. I remember rolling over in bed and telling my husband..."I can make it through worship. I'll just lead the worship and then come home and sleep..." Yeah. What was I thinking? I couldn't even get out of bed! He took one look at me and knew there was no way I would even be able to make it up to church. He set up things so that my worship team took over for me. Instead I spent the day going to the doctor with my daughter to get the medicine we so desperatley needed.
Through this sickness, I couldn't help but yearn for the times when my body felt good. All I wanted was to feel better. It hit me then that I take "feeling good" for granted far too often! We go through our day-to-day life while feeling good most of the time. But how often do we take the time to thank God for our health? It's times like these when I realize just how awesome it is to be in good health. Last Sunday I would've gave anything to get the sickness to leave my body. As we were so very sick, all my daughter and I wanted was to feel better.
As of now, my strep throat is daughter and I are back to good health...laundry is caught up on...and the house is once again cleaned. But that just means we have even more reason to praise God!!!
If you are in good health, take the time to thank God for this blessing! All too often we only thank God for making us better...and forget about all the days when He has kept us in good health!
11 years ago
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