My last blog was written in May. Hmmm... Think I am a bit busy???
Summer break has literally flown by. I cannot believe it is already August and we are preparing our kids for going back to school! School supplies are bought...the pool is draining...and football and soccer practices are starting.
Our summer was packed full of things...from church events to vacation to youth trips to fun family times. But the best thing was these past few weeks at church....our FRESH FIRE conference. We prayed for Fresh Fire...and God delievered!!!!
In my own personal life, I was just in dire need of being revitalized in my relationship with God. I just was longing for MORE of God. I truly believe our church was in the same place too.
It's so easy to get stuck in a rut, getting use to doing the same thing over and over. We know how to worship God, but it's so easy to get caught going through the motions. It makes me think of a fan. As a kid, I use to lay in front of a fan in the summertime. I would just watch the blades spin over and over. They never stopped. The blades went nowhere.
I don't want to spin around and around in the same rut in my relationship with God. I don't want to be stuck going nowhere. I truly desire for MORE of God. I want to daily be challenged to live a more passionate life for God. It's not enough for me to do enough to just get by. I want to truly be used by God...and not just every once in awhile...I want to be used of God EVERY day!!!
11 years ago
Great content! Great word picture! Great writing! Great witness!