A few days ago at work, I sat down in my chair at my desk and felt a surge of pain...like a lightening bolt...go through my arm. The source of the pain came from my index finger, so I immediately checked it to see what in the world was causing such havoc.
To my amazement, I saw the tiniest piece of wood or metal...something sticking out of my finger. I carefully took hold of it with my fingernails and pulled it out...all the time wondering how in the world this little piece of sharp material got in my finger in the first place. My office chair doesn't typically injure me when I sit down!!!
A few days went by and I realized that everytime I used my finger...for typing, playing the piano, etc...each time another pain surge went through my arm. But it just didn't make sense...looking at my finger, there was absolutely no indication of anything still being in there! There was no red mark. There was no black spot to show where the sliver was. There wasn't even a mark to show where it may be.
I brushed it off for a few days, trying to convince myself that it was just a result from being stabbed by some rogue piece of something sharp. But by Friday, I decided that I had enough. The pain had overcome me to the point where I was ready to open up my flesh and dig around until I removed the source of my pain and discomfort. And for anyone who knows me...and how I faint at the sight of blood...this was DEFINITELY a bold move on my part.
I took a clean safety pin and went into the light of our bathroom...and sure enough! I found a little mark and after about 20 minutes I successfully removed the sliver....WITHOUT fainting! My finger is no longer in pain. I can type...I can play the piano...everything is wonderful!
It was just a tiny sliver. It was microscopic. I could barely even see it with my own eyes. How could something so very small affect my body in such a large way?
The more I think about it, I equate this sliver to the sin that creeps in our lives. Just a hint is okay, right??? Just a little sin won't affect me, right??? .....or will it???
If you take a clear pitcher of water an add a drop of food coloring, it will affect the entire pitcher of water in time. Sin DOES affect us...even a little bit...even just a hint. We may think that we can handle it, but it does stick to us, just like this annoying sliver in my finger.
Just a hint...just a bit...just a taste...it all has an impact on us, even if we don't see it now!!!
11 years ago
What a wonderful example of how sin can affect our lives. Thanks for posting this.