This week has been the most tiring week ever for me...but yet, it has been the most awesome week ever! Our church is in the midst of our "Iron Sharpens Iron" conference, which is the first conference of this kind that our church has done. It has been a completely awesome time in the presence of God so far, and I expect tomorrow will be even better!!!
Tonight as I stood on the stage leading worship, I just felt utterly absorbed by God's presence. It was almost like I was not even in my own body. Instead of me leading the was GOD leading the worship. I love those times in God's presence where you totally feel consumed and you just know that God is leading every aspect of the service.
At one point, I looked up and scanned the crowd that was worshipping at the altar. Something caught my eye. Something completely unexpected. I noticed my 10 year old daughter had both hands stretched out, worshipping God with all her might! Then a few people down from her, my son was also worshipping!
There's nothing better than seeing your children worship God. I've seen my son worship before, and it just warms my heart to see the passion come over him. He's getting bolder...I know it's hard to step out. But I am just so encouraged seeing teens and kids of any age be an example of worship to the adults.
But tonight was just so encouraging because I have never seen my youngest daughter worship. Normally on any given Sunday morning service, she can be found sitting on the front pew playing with her shoe...or looking around trying to find a clock to see what time it is. But tonight was different. Tonight she sensed the power of God. Tonight she took a step of faith and let herself become lost in worship.
As I tucked her into bed, I told her how proud I was of her. She immediately responded with, "What did I do?" I told her how it was so encouraging to me to see her worshipping God with everything in her. Without skipping a beat, she said, "Well, if you had paid attention, I was worshipping last night too!"
Ah the innocence of a child... We as adults have a lot to learn from children. She let God get a hold of her heart. She let herself become absorbed in worship. She didn't care what the people around her thought. She was consumed. She felt the power of God.
I just love worshipping God! I never tire of being in His presence and worshipping at His feet. I use to dread leading worship because I just never felt like I had the ability or the talent to fulfill this role. But you know, that's not what it is about. It is simply about worshipping our Maker and Creator. As long as we are an empty and willing vessel, God will fill us with the ability and He will lead us!
11 years ago
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