Exhausted. I'm simply exhausted. In fact, the word "exhaustion" doesn't even come close to how tired I am feeling right now. I could crawl into bed and sleep for days.
So what am I doing up at 11:10 p.m. when I could be dreaming the night away in my cozy, warm bed? That's really a good question. For some reason I felt motivated to balance our checkbook, print out coupons, and sort through my old coupons. It's crazy...I know.
My week has been crazy...work...one trip to Indy...soccer practices...three articles due...getting ready for Hallelujah Night. I was looking forward to a restful weekend, but I'm afraid it has been far from restful so far.
Yesterday (Friday) I got off of work early to take my kids to pick up their new glasses at the eye doctor. We had a fun-filled evening shopping at the mall, driving through massive rain, and grocery shopping (they didn't think the grocery shopping part was fun). At one point, two of my kids were singing songs....each had picked out a different annoying song...at the top of their lungs, trying to outdo each other while I was driving at night through the downpour. I looked at my daughter in the front seat and said, "Now don't you start too..." At that point, she mischievously smiled and started belting out "This is the song that never ends". This chaos went on for about 10 minutes before we finally arrived at the grocery store.
After the grocery store, my son started ranting about how this building we passed had a black cross on it. "I just don't get it. Why would the Red Cross' building have a black cross on it. What's the point of being called The Red Cross anyway?" To that my daughter answered, "That's a church...it's not the Red Cross". Oh what laughter they provide me!
Today started with a soccer tournament. Yes, it rained massive amounts last night. No, they did not think it was necessary to cancel the game. The result--my daughter covered in mud head to toe! At one point she went to kick the ball and completely slid in the mud, falling on her side. It turned out to be a giant loss for their team, but it was quite a hilarious game. I've never seen so many kids covered in mud before!
Then my afternoon was spent preparing for worship and getting our girls ready with their costumes for Hallelujah night. Hallelujah night at our church was a huge success, evidenced by the crowds of kids and the bags breaking from the weight of all the candy they received!
Yes, it was a busy weekend so far...and it looks like tomorrow will be the same. But...it was a wonderful weekend so far.
I expect tomorrow at church will be a wonderful, refreshing, and rejuvenating time in the presence of God. That's exactly what I need...spiritual rejuvenation.
11 years ago
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