Five people in our household, including two girls who have to change their clothes at least twice a day....what does that equal? OUT OF CONTROL LAUNDRY!!!
You know you have too much laundry when you can do one complete load of just GREEN clothes. And another of pink. And another of blue.
Yes, this is the story of my weekend. I forgot to keep up on laundry for one day this past week and WHAM! I now have an avalanche coming out of our laundry room. It is threatening to take over our dining room as we speak. So my weekend has consisted of endless loads of laundry. And this time, I've color-coded laundry with one load of each color. Right now my pinks are in the dryer, the blues are in the washer, and the whites are on deck waiting for their turn.
What makes it even more interesting is that my youngest child has the "fold laundry" chore this week. We do a chore rotation at our house that includes all five of us. It's been very effective in getting the chores done as our kids see us modeling a good attitude while doing our own chores. So this week my youngest has fold laundry. This is not a good week for that. Try as she might, she just struggles with this chore. She is suppose to make a pile of clothes for each member of the family...and that she can do. The hard part is figuring out who each item belongs to. I usually lose some of my clothes for a few days when she is on this chore, as she normally gives them to someone else. Last time she had this chore she gave some of her OWN jeans to her brother and her OWN tank top to me. That's just beyond explanation....
So now as the laundry is coming out of the laundry room faster than she can tame it, this should make for an interesting week.
Like I've said before, our household thrives on chaos. We live and breathe chaos. But you know, I wouldn't have it any other way. For over eight years, we prayed and prayed to be able to have children. Our household was so quiet then. We yearned for kids.
Now that God has blessed us with children, we are very careful to never take this for granted. These are the fun years of our lives. Each day is chaotic. Each day is unexpected. Each day is....WONDERFUL!
11 years ago
Sandi, You have a way of putting everything in perpective. I haven't been able to climb the stairs for about 3 months due to my knee issues, so my deal with the kids, is if the do the laundry and bring it to me, I will fold it. Sometimes they view that as a chore, just to carry a basket to me. Happy Laundry! Take Care!