Friday, November 27, 2009

The Neverending Day

Today is a day I will never forget. Reflecting back on the events of today, it was a great day, filled with lots of precious time with our families. It has been so great to have both my inlaws and my mom at our house this Thanksgiving weekend.

But, really...what were thinking when we got up at 3:45 a.m. to go shopping on Black Friday??? My morning actually started at 2:30 a.m. when my husband decided to start blowing his nose. It is evident that he is starting to get the same nasal congestion that my kids have had. After several long minutes of blowing, tossing and turning, and coughing, I was suddenly wide awake. But with our alarm going off at 3:45 a.m., there really didn't seem like much point in trying to sleep anymore.

I ventured out to wake up my kiddos at 4 am and was greeted with some not-so-pleasant moods....which was to be expected.

We pulled into Walmart parking lot about 5 a.m. and suddenly realized that my daughter, who gets motion sick very easily, was starting to puke. (YES...she even had motion sickness pills before we left). So in a moment of pure insanity, my sons tells her to puke down her shirt...and she starts to follow his advice. I immediately screamed to them to get her out of the car...which was now stopped. However, we didn't anticipate that no one unbuckled my daughter. She did make it to the parking lot, but not without first leaving some of her delightful "stuff" in my mom's car. (Sorry mom)

The next few moments cleaning her up in the not-so-clean walmart bathroom were met with thankfulness that she did not actually take my son's advice to puke down her shirt. Can you imagine???

We then snatched a walmart sack for any future incidents and were on our merry way, fighting the crowds. I ran to find the various sales as my kids obediently tried to keep up with me. Oh what fun!

After walmart, I left my kids in my husband's loving care and veered off with my mom to get some Christmas shopping done. What a success with everything on sale!!!

We met later at Denny's for breakfast, where my daughter (the vomiting one) ordered a large OJ. She then decided she would rather have hot chocolate. So what does my husband do...but challenge her to drink the entire thing before our food comes...and then if she can finish...she will get a hot chocolate. Hmmm...OJ on an empty stomach that just threw up. Yuck. She almost finished and got her hot chocolate...but had us all concerned this would not turn out good.

Several hours later, we returned with 3 very crabby, but completely hyper kids. Everyone was forced to lay down to "try" to sleep....however many were unsuccessful...

We spent the evening relaxing until it happened....yes, it did come back to bite us. My daughter suddenly got sick and threw up everything she ate all day. But it didn't stop there. We put her to bed and then she soaked her bed...spaghetti noodles and everything. Oh the joy of motherhood!

Seven trips into her room later, I am very tired and feel like puking myself. I blame my husband since the last 3 incidents have been all OJ. :)

But despite all the craziness...I love my family....I love being a mother...even if it means gagging myself while holding my daughter as she gets sick. That's all part of motherhood. It's what makes things memorable and keeps me on my toes. It reminds me how much I do love each of my kids.

Maybe next year we won't wake them up at 4 a.m. to go shopping!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

This is Your Life

This week has been rough for our church body. Last Sunday night we had a wonderful bonfire and a hayride, which Kurtis organized for our church. He brought the tractor...the hay...and he drove the tractor and trailer around the beautiful countryside. It was a great time for our church...just everyone being together.

But then the unexpected happened. Kurtis, only 28 years old, passed away suddenly after an accident at his workplace. No one could have ever imagined that would happen. We were shock that someone we just spent time with days ago was suddenly gone. He had such a gentle spirit and you could just tell he was such a wonderful dad to his children.

This whole situation, as sad as it is, does remind me of something very encouraging. Kurtis IS in a better place. He is with his Heavenly Father...his Daddy! He is worshipping the King of Kings!

Often times we get so wrapped up in our lives and just assume that there will always be a tomorrow. But what if there's not? Are we putting off something that God wants us to do, thinking, "I'll do that tomorrow"?

We are not guaranteed a certain amount of years here on this earth. Kurtis' life is a reminder that life may not always be as you expect it. Don't put off something that you've felt God calling you to. Don't hesitate. Don't take your life for granted. As the words of my favorite Switchfoot song go...."This is your life...are you who you want to be?"

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder

My head is in a fog...I am so tired...

I am still recovering from the last few days of being in Indianapolis for a conference for work. Besides being physically draining, being at these type of events is hard on me because I have to be away from my family. I dread these type of days all year.

This particular trip away reminded me of how thankful I am for my family. It was so hard being away from them. It was so hard to know about the time I was missing with them. Time spent with my husband and kids is like's so very valuable.

But why does it take being away to realize this? Often times when I am at home, I long for just a few moments to be out of the chaotic, crazy house. After dealing with hyperactive kids, sibling rivalry, complaining about chores, cleaning milk and cereal out of the couch, a dog who steals things out of the trash, and items that go through the wash that shouldn't....after all that...I am ready for a break. I need peace and quiet. I need some time to myself.

However, when I do get away, then I miss everything. It makes me realize how much more I need to cherish the daily moments with my kids. Often time I take those moments for granted. But they are precious moments.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My Awesome God

Isn't it awesome how God provides for our every need? Often times I find myself getting nervous and worrying when I have no reason to. My God is a God who provides!!!

As I reflect on His awesome provisions, I can't help but think of all the times when God came through in a moment of desperation. I think about the time we were down to $4 in our bank account and then found an envelope in our mailbox containing money. I think about all the times we have had bills that needed to be paid. I think about the unexpected doctor bills that the insurance decided to cover at the last minute. I think about each time that we have been in need and God has come through.

But then again...I can't think of a time that I was in need that God didn't come through for us. He always is there. He is always faithful.

Sometimes His provisions aren't what's expected or what we thought was the way He was going to work. I always thought we would have chidren of our own, but God had a different plan. In our moments of desperation, crying out to Him for an answer to prayer, He worked in a very unexpected way. Instead of having our own babies, He had three very special children waiting for us. God is sooo good!

And as I think of God's provisions, I think back to the past month at church. One Sunday morning/night we talked about starting a fund to raise money for things the church needs, namely a projector. The very next Sunday morning, someone in our church....someone who was not there to hear about the new fund and what we needed.....brought in a projector that he bought to donate to the church!

Ahhhh...the awesomeness of God is neverending!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


We spend so much time in our lives accumulating "stuff". Our houses are full of items that we refuse to throw away because of the sentimental value they hold in our lives. Our houses are full of things that we just have to have...the items that catch our eye when we're out shopping and it seems like we could never live without. Our houses are full to the brim with stuff.

What are we going to do with all the stuff?

Tonight we spent the evening at my kids' grandparents house. Since adopting our children, their biological family has become part of our own family. Back in August, their grandfather passed away, leaving a house full of stuff...precious items that were memories from years ago...books that had accumulated dust while on the bookshelves...shells from time spent on the beach...just random items from a lifetime full of happiness.

It is up to his family to pack up his stuff and decide what to do with it all. What a task! Imagine someone going through your own house, deciding what to do with all your precious possessions! I can't imagine the variety of items someone would find going through my own house. I'd imagine they would come across items that I have not used in years...things that I misplaced and thought were lost.

I can't help but wonder why we spend so much time accumulating stuff...when we can't take it with us in the end. I'm just as guilty as anyone else as I have filled my house with items that seem so important. When we have a rummage sale, it is often hard to find things that I feel I could part with. I always wonder..."What if I'll need that someday???"

But life isn't about the things we's about the life we live. What are we doing with the precious gift God has given us? What are we doing to make our life meaningful to the kingdom of God?