Today I accomplished something...
I ran 3.1 miles for the FIRST time since July 5th! It felt so good to finally be back and able to run the distance I normally did before my broken ankle incident. Now, I am slower than a turtle swimming in molasses...but at least I'm moving forward and getting better!
I do have to say that having a broken ankle ranked in the top 5 hardest situations I've ever been through. I will truly never look at someone with a broken limb...or someone on crutches...the same way again. My heart breaks every time I see someone hobbling along on crutches. I know the pain. I know how hard it is. I know how it takes away so much of your independence and changes your life so drastically.
But I am a victor! I have conquered this and am moving forward each and every day to be back to my "normal" running abilities!
But.........I am still dealing with one thing that is a result of my broken ankle. After I was able to take my cast off, I had to wear an ankle brace to give support to my ankle. The brace didn't fit that well in my running shoes, which were already 1/2 size bigger than my normal shoes. Every step I took, I could feel my toes hitting the top of my shoe.
After a short while, I decided to invest in some shoes that were a FULL size too big, just to give my foot, along with the fashionable-looking brace, enough room. That worked and my foot felt great.....well, for awhile...
Weeks later I have discovered that I have a lovely ingrown toenail...and that is a direct result of all the walking I did with my shoes too tight.
So why do I mention this? Well the other day as I was chatting with someone about this, I said something that really made me think. I said, "This silly toenail hasn't grown for months now. It just sits here. It's not moving or doing anything. I wonder how long this is going to take for it to grow or finally do something!!!" that again....
"This silly toenail hasn't grown for months now. It just sits here.
It's not moving or doing anything. I wonder how long this is going to
take for it to grow or finally do something!!!"
Immediately I was reminded about how powerful of a spiritual application those statements had.
Have we ever had periods of our lives where we didn't grow in God? Have we ever just sat there...not doing what God intended for us to do? Have we ever remained motionless spiritually....or just gone through the motions, not really diving into the path God has for us? Have people ever looked at us and wondered how long it would take for us to grow?
The situations in life...the attacks of the enemy....the times where we are hit by so many battles.... All those things make it so easy to get "out of the game", spiritually speaking.... We feel wounded...wore out...defeated.... It's almost like the battle gets so fierce that we just bench ourselves and figure things will be easier if we just stopped trying.
But where's the victory in that?
Can I be bold enough to point out that in doing so, we are handing the battle over to the enemy and letting him win?
Believe me, I know what spiritual battles feel like. They can be tiring and so very difficult....but just remember that we cannot lose with God on our side!
God is calling His people to move forward in Him....He is calling us to reach a new spiritual not just sit and be content where we are not just watch everyone else grow but stay stagnant ourselves.
He is calling us to get back in the game. To pick up ourselves and march forward in victory.
And even if you are as slow as my recent running, don't let it discourage you. As long as you are moving forward, you are at least moving in the right direction!
11 years ago
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