I know what you're thinking....what in the world is this blog about? She must have her days mixed up. I mean really, with all this snow and cold weather, the Christmas season has been the furthest thing from my mind. I long for the days where I can wear shorts and sandals....and NOT have to wear a thick winter coat!
But yet....today is my "Christmas morning".
Today I wait...anxiously wait...for the UPS truck to arrive with my books. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning....waiting paitently (or not so patiently) for the moment when I can finally open the box and see what's inside. All day now, I've literally jumped out of my chair whenever I hear a truck go by...hoping maybe this one would be the UPS truck.
This box of books is not just any 'ole box of books either. These are my books. This the manuscript that I wrote over 3 years ago. This is the same manuscript that I have been longing to see in "book" form for years!
Over three years ago, I endeavored on a journey to write a novel. God put it in my heart to start writing a novel...and not just one....this is going to eventually be a series of novels. However, after writing the book, I became greatly discouraged at the publishing companies as I couldn't find any companies that would even entertain a manuscript from a first-time author. Why not even give me a chance?
The companies that I did find were the ones that required you to finance the entire cost of publication AND buy at least a 1,000 copies of your book! To say I was discouraged would put it mildly.
Out of my frustration, I put the book to the side.....and my dream slowly faded....
It seemed out of reach. Impossible. Unattainable.
For several years my manuscript has pretty much been forgotten. I put my "author" dreams to the side and went on with life...certain that would never happen.
But God....but GOD made a way where there seemed to be no way!!!!!!!!!
These last few months have been filled with my passion for writing being reignited as God has carved a path of possibility where I thought there was only impossibility. God gave me this gift and passion to write. God gave me this story to write. God gave me the time and ability to complete it.....and God certainly wasn't done! God has now opened the door for me to have my manuscript printed!
The last few months have been filled with editing...editing...and more editing! I have worked with an artist to design my cover...I have worked with a company to set up my manuscript to print. I have an ISBN for my very own book!
And now the final step...today I get to SEE my book. Finally. I get to open the book and feel the pages of words that God inspired me to write. I can finally look at myself as an author. I know when I hold the book in my hands, I will finally "feel" like a real author. Finally. This has been my dream for so long.
So if you live in the area and you happen to see a UPS truck, think of me... Yes, I am looking out the window every few minutes...waiting for my Christmas morning box to open.
With God ALL things are possible! Don't ever underestimate our God! He has a plan far greater than we could ever think or imagine!!!
11 years ago
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