New Year's resolutions.
What thoughts do those words put into your mind? Do they make you think of things you wanted to do, but then failed? Do they make you think of things you started but didn't finish?
It's easy to make a new year's resolution. In fact, last year I had a whole list of things I wanted to do in the new year. They were all great things that would change my life in a postive way.
But did I do them all? Did I follow-through?
Some, yes. Some, partially. And some......not at all....
I started thinking about this. Why is it that it is so easy to make a new year's resolution, but so very hard to keep it? Why do we do great with the new "promise" for a few months...but then slowly forget about it in time? Why do we lose the passion to change?
Change is hard. Change takes time. But change is affected by things like laziness....old habits....and excuses.
Wow that one hit me like a tons of bricks.
I look back at my life and I can see how the excuses I have made have put limitations on what I've done.
Take running, for example... In the past, I have always had a rule....."I will not run outside if it is below 40 degrees." In saying that, it has severly limited how often I can run in the winter. And me on a treadmill.....well, let's just say that doesn't always end well.....I need help with that one.
That rule has been something I lived by and never made an exception to. That is.....until this year. This year I decided to throw away the excuses. WHY can't I run outside when it is 20 degrees? Why can't I run in the snow? And to take it out further..........Why can't I run in the pouring rain? Why can't I run while on vacation?
It has become a challenge to me now....if I have no excuses for running, what can I accomplish? I have run in unfamiliar places. I have run in the wind...the rain...the snow...the sleet....I have run when my snot froze to my face. Basically the only things that keep me inside now are blizzards and dangerous low temperatures.
But here comes the real reason for this blog...................................................................
What if we never gave God any excuses???
What if? What could we do for God if we threw away all our excuses? What could we accomplish...through Him...if we never held ourselves back?
What if we had no excuses?
I know in my own life I have given God many, many excuses.....
I can't talk to that person...I don't know her well!
I can't witness to them!
I'm scared to do that!
I can't lead worship...I don't play the piano well enough...
I can't speak in front of a large crowd....I'm shy!
I can't lead as well as so-and-so...
I can't drive the church van....I'm not good with big vehicles. (THAT one is VERY TRUE!)
I can't be the type of leader you called me to be...
I can't be the type of parent you called me to be....I fail.
I can't. I can't. I can't.
Truth is, I can't do it. I can't do it on my own. I especially can't do it when I live in the excuses.
But...with God's power and help, I CAN!
First step. Take out the excuses. That is my goal for this year. NO EXCUSES!
Is it going to be easy? No way! Excuses are natural for me. Excuses are what I'm use to. Excuses keep me in my safe little comfort zone.
But I wonder what God can do with a life of no excuses?
I challenge you to find out.
What can God do through you if you don't give Him any excuses or limitations?????????
Let's find out!!!!!!!
11 years ago
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