Have you ever wondered what God was thinking?
He took me--a shy girl--and turned her into a pastor's wife.
I was the one who could go through a whole school day without talking. I was the one who had a panic attack if the teacher called on me. I was the one nicknamed "Mama Mouse" by my 4th grade teacher because of my quiet voice. I was the one who dreaded any type of social situation. To say I was painfully shy would be a giant understatement.
As a child, I anticipated being a mom and a teacher. Yes...I did know a teacher would have to speak in front of others. But somehow a class of children didn't seem as threatening as my peers...or adults. I knew I could NEVER teach adults. The thought made me sick to my stomach....
What I didn't realize was the plan God had for me. His plan was not for me to go through life living in my "bubble" of shyness. His plan was to take this shy girl and turn her into a leader.
Over the years, God has drawn me out of my shell. He has put me in situations where I have to speak...teach...sing....lead.
And do you know what? That is SOOOO out of my comfort zone! I feel incapable. I feel unable. I am weak. I feel out of my element. I don't always feel confident in myself. I am scared....vulnerable...
But it's at THAT very moment I have to decide.....am I going to stay in my bubble of comfort? Or am I going to take a step of faith and walk forward into the plan God has for me?
I may have fears. But in God, all fears are wiped away. He is my strength.
I may feel incapable. In fact, in and of myself, I AM incapable. But with God, He is my strength.
I may feel no confidence in myself. But I have to look instead at the "God-confidence" I have.
We all have the potential to be used mightily by God.......IF we venture out of our comfort zone. IF we trust God. IF we step out in faith. IF we leave our comfort zone....
Our comfort zones are just that...they are comfortable. They are easy. They aren't a challenge. But God is calling us to be MORE than that. He is calling us to S-T-R-E-T-C-H....let's move out of our comfort zone and into the area God wants us to move in. Life lived inside your comfort zone is life lived outside of God's will.
11 years ago
So true! Before every football game I couldn't help but think "I can't do this, what did I sign up for?" because me being a drum major was very far fetched before I encountered God. I've changed so much because of Him. Great post!