I think of being hungry. I think of depriving myself of chocolate (that would be a shock to my system!) and other foods that I love. I think of eating healthy foods that are not really what I am wanting to eat.
I could seriously just eat chocolate and be okay with that!
But despite not being thrilled about the "idea" of dieting, I still do it! In fact, I have been on a weight-loss challenge since January and have lost 18 pounds in 3 months. Though I may not like dieting, I know my body needed it.
In the whole scheme of things, the negative and hard part of dieting is completely worth the satisfaction of being able to fit into a smaller pair of pants. It is completely worth it to feel better about feel "healthier" feel stronger....
AND...I love watching myself disappear!!! I love getting smaller and smaller! I know that God wants me to be healthy!
Through this challenge, I have realized that though I use to focus on food, it is really not (and should not be) the focus of my life. Food is not the center of my life. I need to CRAVE the things of God instead!!!!
But thinking on that (and on my hubby's sermon tonight), I thought about going on a "diet" from the things of this world that distract me from what God wants me to do. The things of this world keep me busy and often distract me from time spent with God.
But should they be the focus of my life?
Some people go on a Smoothie Diet...some on a fruit diet...some on a protein diet. It's time for me to go on a "Spiritual Diet"....and by that, I do NOT mean lessening spiritual things. What I mean is to focus on SPIRITUAL things!
If I'm going to make my body physically healthy by eating the right foods and exercising, why not do the same spiritually?
11 years ago
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