Today is December 26th and I ran 2 miles OUTSIDE today! Emphasize the word "OUTSIDE"! That may not seem like a big deal, but it really is to me. That means that I could run outside instead of being trapped on the treadmill that just keeps going around and around. Granted, I did get a little wind-blown on my run, but it was sure worth it!
Treadmill running is just not as fun. But as much as I despise running on the treadmill physically, I unfortunately have spent a lot of time on the spiritual treadmill. I have found that it is so incredibly easy to get to that spot where you are comfortable and everything seems great. It seems like you have a great relationship with God. But then one day you realize that you haven't grown in awhile. You realize you've just been spinning your wheels going around the same spot....kinda like a car stuck on ice.
So how does this happen? I equate it with spiritual apathy. Apathy is defined as "the absence or supression of passion, emotion, or excitement". Apathy sneaks in when you least expect it and causes you to become numb to everything around you....become numb to the things of God...become numb to following God's voice.
Now I bet you are wondering how in the world a pastor's wife can become apathetic??? ....gasp... Could it be true???
Yes, even pastor's wives can become apathetic about God. Apathy happens when our excitement and passion leaves. Apathy makes us feel comfortable. Apathy makes us feel blah. Spiritual Apathy happens when we are not investing the right time or passion into the things of God.
So many times in my walk with God I have gotten to the point where I needed a rejuvenation of passion. But I am sad to say that I have not always handled it correctly. It's easy to stay apathetic and stay on that spiritual treadmill. It's soooo easy to stay comfortable. Don't we all just love our comfort zones?????
Apathy disappears when we step out of the comfort zone and into the area God is calling us to. Apathy disappears when we step off the spiritual treadmill and start moving forward.
So whatever it is God is calling you to do, follow His voice. EVEN IF it is scary. EVEN IF you have to get off the treadmill and step into some unfamiliar territory.
I'm attaching a link to an article I wrote about apathy that may be of some interest.....
Look for the next blog post soon.....which will be part 3 in the Treadmill Christinity series. This post will center around one GIANT leap off the treadmill that my family took recently...and the result of what God has done in our lives!!!!
11 years ago
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