Have you ever wondered what would happen if you poured a can of pop into your laptop computer?
Well, the other day, I decided to pull a very interesting stunt! NO, I did not do this on purpose. In fact, it only happened as I was trying to be very careful!!!
In an effort to prevent any spills, I bought these snap-top lids that fit on top of a regular pop can. It takes quite a bit of pressure to snap them on, but once on they turn your can of pop into a bottle with a lid! Quite a genius invention, I do have to say!!!
So the other day while working, I went upstairs to get a can of Diet 7-Up and a lid. BUT......instead of snapping on the lid while upstairs, I brought it down to my desk. Yep.....right next to my work laptop.
As I was pressing down on the lid to snap it on, a thought came flashing through my head.
...this is probably not the best thing to be doing this right next to my laptop!!!
And you guessed it!
WHAM! The can slipped out of my grip and flew to the side, pouring out INTO the keyboard of my computer.
...whoops...that wasn't suppose to happen...
The next few moments included me yanking the cord from the laptop, flipping it over on the floor (to get any liquid out), and then turning it off. Then came my panicked text messages to my coworkers asking what I needed to do next.
Needless to say, my laptop spent the weekend sitting upside down on top of rice, to draw out the moisture. It was very interesting to field questions from my kids about why in the world my laptop was in a bag of rice...and then to see them shake their heads at me when they heard what I had done....
As I turned it back on Sunday afternoon, I prayed it would work........AND.....despite a few sticky keys, it did!!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!!
I can honestly say now that my can of pop is nowhere near my laptop anymore. I have learned my lesson!
As I think back, I laugh at the whole situation. I just didn't think it would be a danger to have my 7-Up so close to my laptop. I've worked with computers for years and never had a situation like this!!!!
That may seem like a silly mistake of mine, but turning this into a spiritual application....how many of us "play with fire" when it comes to sin??? We know we shouldn't do certain things. We know we should stay away from things that pull us in the wrong direction. We might watch movies or shows that are not appropriate...or maybe we spend time with the wrong crowd. Or maybe we entertain thoughts that are not Godly.
Maybe we just do these things from time to time, thinking they won't influence us. Just a little bit of sin won't hurt us.......right????
Whatever it is, if we "play with fire" and allow sin to creep in, it WILL take over us eventually. It will flood our lives before long. If you put yourself in a situation that gives the enemy a foothold, he will take over your life.
11 years ago