As I wrote in my last blog, keeping the door to sin closed in our lives is of utmost importance. This was very clearly demostrated to me the other night when we came home from church on a Wednesday night.
Backing up the story a few we left for church that night, I told my son to make sure the outside light was on. Then we went downstairs through the garage and into my car, closing the garage door as we left. Everything seemed normal....
Or so we thought.
Fast forward a few hours to when we came home....
My kids and I pull in the driveway, unable to get into the garage since the garage door opener is with my husband who was still at church. We got out of the vehicle and trudged through the snow and cold to the front door. I put the key in, fully expecting it to unlock. However, my ideas of being in a warm house quickly vanished as I realized the front door was not opening. The lock was unlocked, but something was preventing me from opening the door.
I struggled for awhile and finally determined that it seemed to be the lock we have at the top of our door seemed to be locked. This seemed really strange to me as we use this lock when we are INSIDE the house since there is no way to unlock it from outside.
I turned to my kids and asked them if they knew anything about it. Instantly my son looked a little guilty and said, "Well, I locked it before we left....I thought you asked me to!"
AHHHHHH!!!! I asked him to turn on the light...NOT to deadbolt the door from inside!
Clearly we were not going to be getting inside the house through this door.
We walked through the snow looking at our other options.
The garage door wasn't a possibility as it was shut and we didn't have the opener for it with us. The sliding glass doors could only be opened from the inside.
Our garage DOES have 2 regular doors, both of which I have a key for. BUT..........since moving here we had piled boxes of stuff in front of the doors. (Bad idea, I know) There was no way those doors were going to budge either.
We all realized that there was no way in the house at this time. It was snowing and cold and we had no idea how long my husband would be before he would be home. I started considering driving back to church to get the garage door opener.
But at that exact moment, we noticed a vehicle slowing down and pulling into our driveway. IT WAS MY HUBBY!!!! HORRAY!!!
We all started jumping up and down, cheering that he finally arrived. He pulled in and rolled down the window and said, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?????" We certainly don't make it a habit to stay outside in the snow and then cheer when people pull into our driveway.
So what does this have to do with sin???? Well my last blog was about keeping the door to sin shut in our lives....and I think this is definitely a great example!
Our house was locked was shut...there was no way of us getting in. This is how we should react to the sin that we encounter. We should do everything to protect our lives from any invasion of sin. We should do everything to make sure our lives are not affected by the sin. We should be locked up to the sin around us!
Sin is a choice. We can protect ourselves or we can allow it to infiltrate our lives. What is your choice?
11 years ago