I love my kids! They are a constant source of joy for me! ...Well, unless they happen to be having a teenage attitude or back-talking me... But that doesn't happen too often!!!
I thank God often for allowing Kirk and I to be the parents of such wonderful kids. They truly are a blessing!
AND...they keep me laughing! I was working on adding to the list of funny things they have said through the years, so I thought I'd share some of them with you.
Jynna (2007)--After hearing an organ was donated to the church, she said, "EEEEWWWW..who would give an organ to a church????"
Jynna (2007)--Said she needed some "Ag neick" medicine (...acne)
Kyrie (2007)--Looking at old pictures of Kirk and I, she saw one with Kirk wearing his class ring. She said, "Ohhhh...there's Daddy with his mood ring!"
Jynna (2007)--When we were discussing going on an airplane and being on a runway, she said, "But runways are for models???"
Kyrie (2008)--When explaining to hear what internal bleeding is, she said, "Just how would you put bandaids on your vines?" (she mean veins)
Tra (2008)--Asked the waitress at Olive Garden for more "Craytons" (...croutons)
Tra (2008)--After watching the news, came to me and said, "That city has 7 square people per mile!"
Kyrie (2008)--While drinking milk, Kyrie said, "Don't bother me, I need all the vitamin C I can get!"
Tra (2008)--Kirk said, "I need to eat to get some sustenance." Tra responded with "Sustenance...what language is that???"
Tra (2008)--When doing homework, he said "6 minus 4...is that even possible?"
Kyrie (2008)--She was told her new glasses made her look sharp. She was then wondering why she looked "Pointy"
Tra (2008)--Told him to right-click the mouse on the computer. He proceeded to type the word "Click"...
Kyrie (2009)--"I'm kinda mad Adam and Eve sinned, but I'm kinda glad too. Cuz now we have all these cute fashions!"
Jynna (2009)--Wanted me to make cookies from "Scrap"....(scratch)
Kyrie (2009)--Told us the moon has only been around since the 1800's.
Kyrie (2009)--"My teacher had us get out paper and practice with our compass and chiropractor"
Kyrie (2009)--"Why did we skip the year 1920?"
Jynna and Tra (2009)--Jynna says, "How do you ask for a coffee with no foam?" Tra-"You ask for no foam."
Tra (2009)--I asked him if it is pouring or drizzling out. He said, "A little bit of both."
Kyrie (2009)--"In 1992, Columbus sailed the ocean blue."
Tra (2010)--"I made a vow to myself. When I get my own place, I'm going to buy canned toothpaste cuz it never runs out!"
Tra (2010)--Told us we were good candidates for the show "The World's Strictest Parents"
Kyrie (2010)--Was microwaving a TV dinner and needed it to be heated for 1-1/2 to 2 minutes. She asked me how to type in "seven fifty" on the microwave.
Jynna (2010)--"Does W come after Z in the alphabet?"
11 years ago