Gasping for my breath...while running through an airport....carrying a large backpack...seeing my family way ahead of me...but there's nothing I can feet won't go any fact, I may collapse right here at Gate 50. How will I make it down to Gate 89 before our plane takes off? Why did I pick a flight with such a short connection time in between flights??? When did I become so out of shape?????
It was the moment that we made it on the flight and I collapsed to my seat...struggling to catch my breath....THAT was the moment I decided to do something about my health.
Yes, I'd already lost 40 pounds during our church's Biggest Loser contest. I was so proud of that fact already and could tell so many differences with my body already. But losing weight by controlling my eating evidently did nothing for my body's physical abilities. That day at the airport was a stark realization that I had a hard time even running!
Part of me attributed it to the fact that I was wearing flip flops. I mean, have you ever tried running in those? It just is next to impossible without tripping.
But that wasn't the real reason. The bottom line was that I was out of shape.
I spent the next several months contemplating how I was going to get into shape. I tried some workout videos with my daughter. I tried walking. But nothing was consistent. Nothing seemed to work. Every time I planned to exercise, I found an excuse that would stop me.
Until the very end of September. I finally decided that it was never going to happen on its own. I couldn't wait for someone to exercise with me. I couldn't wait until the weather was nice. I couldn't wait until I felt like it. I just had to do it. No matter what.
And that's when I started running. Yes, running. I jumped into this exercise routine and started out with a mile run. (I don't like to ease into things) started off as a half mile jog...half mile walk. I just couldn't run a mile. It was too hard for me. And at that point I almost gave up. But something inside of me felt so good when I completed the first mile. Even though I walked part of it, I still felt like I accomplished something.
So I kept going. Each day. One mile. No matter what. Even if no one was there to run with me. Even if the weather was cold. Even if the wind about blew me off the road. Even if it was sprinkling rain. Even if I'd rather be on the couch relaxing. Even if I felt like I was going to die. Even if my legs became numb and I couldn't catch my breath.
Each and every day the "mile" has gotten easier. I can run the whole thing now without stopping. And I've even started timing myself...watching it get shorter and shorter each day as my endurance builds up.
I've come to love being a runner. I feel good for what I've accomplished.
But....God has used this experience to convict me. I mean, I make sure I run every matter what. But am I that committed to my devotional and prayer time with God? Do I look forward to that time as much as I do to running? Do I put that as a priority to my day?
There's so much "stuff" that fills our lives...from caring for kids to work to school to cleaning to's neverending!!! Do we have room for God? Where does He rate in our priorities for the day?
As you run through life, don't pass God by and leave Him to the side. Don't let your relationship with Him become something you never have time for. Put Him first and everything else will fall into place.
"...I've got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward--to Jesus. I'm off and running, and I'm not turning back. So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us." Philippians 3:14-15 (Message)
"Run to win. All good athletes train hard. They do it for a gold medal that tarnishes and fades. You're after one that's gold eternally. I don't know about you, but I'm running hard for the finish line. I'm giving it everything I've got. No sloppy living for me! I'm staying alert and in top condition." 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (Message)
11 years ago