As of the beginning of March, we have been pastoring here at Refuge A/G for 8 years now. Eight years now!!! Wow! Where has the time gone???
Looking back on those eight years, they have been full of laughter and and pain...smiles and tears. These eight years have been tough...rebuilding this church from the ground up.
I'll admit that there were times we were at our wit's end. We didn't know what else to do. I can recall several long walks with my husband...walking through our beautiful woods...praying and trying to figure out what God wanted us to do. I'd be lying if I said we always wanted to be here...there were many times we almost gave up.
But God....(and that's all you have to say)....but His awesome power....He knew what was coming. He knew that eight years of working would reap a harvest.
These past couple months have seen GROWTH!!! I can't tell you how much that encourages a pastor's heart!
We've seen powerful moves of the Spirit. We've seen lives changed. We've seen transformation!
God matter how hopeless your situation is, remember that God knows. You are in His mighty hands. You are in His strong grip. His answer many not come in your timing. I can't tell you how much we wanted to see these results in the first couple years of our time here! However, God's timing was so very different. Trust HIS will and timing for your life!
11 years ago