Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In the Hands of God

I use to like snow. I remember peering out the window as a child, ecstatic to see any sign of snow. For a child, snow means the possibility of school delayed...or better yet, maybe even cancelled!!!

But now as an adult, snow means that I have to drive in it. It means that I have to try to make it up our steep hill to get out for work. Snow means dangerous driving conditions. Snow is just not as fun anymore.

When the first sign of a snowflake comes, my kids are rejoicing that they may get school off....but I am praying that the storm goes a different direction and totally misses us.

It's not that I can't drive in snow. I grew up in Wisconsin and I lived in Fargo, ND for four years. I am well-experienced in snow travel. Snow doesn't stop things in those states. When it snows, life goes on. But here in Indiana, the snow makes driving conditions so much worse. It doesn't get plowed as fast...and we get more ice. Plus add to that the fact that our house sits at the bottom of a GIANT hill.

Yesterday I had to travel three hours to train a school for my job. I braved the snow-covered streets and slowly made my way, praying the entire way. I felt like my car was in a bubble that was protected by God. He had His angels all over my car and I drove through nearly impassable roads and icy spots. For half the trip, I couldn't even see the yellow or while lines on the pavement. It was just a guessing game!!!

But God was there. His protection was all over me. He led my car and He kept the other vehicles out of my path. I was in His hands...and that is the very best place to be!

Even tonight as I gazed out and saw that it had again started to snow giant flakes, my heart first skipped a beat, wondering how travel conditions will be. But then I remembered how awesome of a protector our God is! No matter what, He has me in His grip. He is there for me. I can rest in His arms and just marvel at the beauty of each falling snowflake. Freshly-fallen snow covering our whole backyard is such a beautiful sight!!! I can find peace...because I am in His arms.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Heartache for Haiti

My mind has been consumed with images of Haiti and the intense damage the recent earthquake caused them. The scenes of children walking aimlessly around looking for their families cuts straight to my heart. My heart is heavy seeing the makeshift villages made from bedsheets that people are constructing. I can't get the image out of my head of seeing people running over each other trying to get to the food being dropped from the helicopter. It is a horrible situation. People have lost everything they own...they have lost houses...they have lost families and friends.

I want to go to Haiti. I want to be there to help them. I feel so helpless sitting on my couch watching images of the destruction.

I can't help but feel guilty when I walk to my fridge and satisfy every hunger pang that I have. I can drink water when I am thirsty. I can relax in my comfortable house. I am warm from the clothes that I am blessed with.

Why do I have so much stuff and others have so little? How did I get blessed to be born in the United States instead of country where 90% of the people live in poverty?

Sometimes I take things for granted. But the things that are taking place in Haiti are a stark reminder to us all of how blessed we really are. It puts things in perspective. Even when things seem like they are going bad, we still are blessed.

Take some time to lift up the people in Haiti in your prayers. They need prayer warriors to rise up and pray for miracles to happen!!!